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Immigration Health Surcharge fee to increase from 6 February 2024!

On 26 January 2024, Parliament passed The Immigration (Health Charge) Amendment Order – thus passing into the law an increase to the Immigration Health Surcharge fee from 6 February 2024 as follows:

  • £624 to £1035 for adults and
  • £470 to £776 for children, students, students, and their dependants and for those applying through the Tier 5 route.

The increase is obviously substantial, and we advise where possible applicants should submit a visa application by 5 February 2024 in order to beat the rise.

The increase was due to come in on 16 January 2024 as previously mentioned, but was delayed.

These changes will apply to everyone from 6 February 2024 and there are no transitional period or exemptions.

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