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Partner visa processing delays

The Home Office yesterday, 11 May 2022 updated its guidance on ‘visa processing times’ for those applying to join family members in the UK from - 12 to 24 - weeks from attendance at a visa processing centre to provide biometrics, due to the Ukraine situation.

This update which to our knowledge and at time of writing can only be found at one place will come as a hammer blow to those seeking or waiting to join loved ones here. Obviously, 24 weeks is just 2 weeks short of 6 months, that is an unprecedent time to wait for this type of application to be processed.

Our clients with applications outstanding at visa application centres overseas were emailed by the Home Office to advise them of the new processing times and informed it was working towards reducing delays and would only consider expediting cases on extreme compassionate or medical grounds – this will be tough to prove.

It seems there is not much those caught in this situation can do but wait. It is imperative individuals ensure applications meet the requirements to avoid disappointment after a lengthy wait.

The Home Office yesterday, 11 May 2022 updated its guidance on ‘visa processing times’ for those applying to join family members in the UK from - 12 to 24 - weeks from attendance at a visa processing centre to provide biometrics, due to the Ukraine situation.

This update which to our knowledge and at time of writing can only be found at one place will come as a hammer blow to those seeking or waiting to join loved ones here. Obviously, 24 weeks is just 2 weeks short of 6 months, that is an unprecedent time to wait for this type of application to be processed.

Our clients with applications outstanding at visa application centres overseas were emailed by the Home Office to advise them of the new processing times and informed it was working towards reducing delays and would only consider expediting cases on extreme compassionate or medical grounds – this will be tough to prove.

It seems there is not much those caught in this situation can do but wait. It is imperative individuals ensure applications meet the requirements to avoid disappointment after a lengthy wait.

RLegal solicitors can assist with the processing of partner type visas. 

We are a firm of solicitors undertaking immigration work and are based in central London. You can contact us by email at, completing our online form or by telephoning us on +44 207 038 3980 and of our team members will respond to you.

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uSkinned, the world’s number one provider of Umbraco CMS themes and starter kits.

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