Turkish Worker Visa

*** This category is closed to new applicants. However it may be possible to extend permission for those currently on the visa ***
Turkish nationals may accrue rights to work in the UK under Article 6 (1) of decision 1/80 of the Association Council established by the European Association Community Agreement, if they have been lawfully employed for at least 1 year in the UK.
In order to apply for a Turkish worker visa you will need to have lawfully worked in the UK for example, as a work permit holder or, under Tiers 1-5 of the points based system for a continuous period of at least 1 year.
However, lawful employment can include:
- permission as the spouse of a British citizen or a person granted permanent residence;
- as an au pair; or
- as a Tier 4 student migrant granted permission to work 10 hours a week during term time.
Having worked lawfully in the UK law for 1 year, Article 6 (1) of decision 1/80 of the Association Council confers the following rights to Turkish nationals – known as the first to third ‘indents’ of Article 6 (1):
First indent – on completion of 1 year of lawful employment, a Turkish national has the right to renew their permit to work for the same employer.
Second indent – on completion of 3 years of lawful employment a Turkish national can renew their permit to work in the same occupation, but does not have to be employed by the same employer.
Third indent – on completion of 4 years of lawful employment, the Turkish national can renew the permit without restriction on who they can work for.
Dependants including a spouse, civil partner, same sex and civil partner and children under the age of 18 can also apply to join the main applicant.
If you currently have permission and would like assistance please contact a member of the team.
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