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Delays in processing of Defined Certificates of Sponsorship

f you are a Sponsor Licence holder and are experiencing delays to the outcome of requests for ‘Defined Certificates of Sponsorship’ made through the Sponsor Management System, please note from Monday 27 November 2023, the Home Office are introducing technological changes to process applications in response to dealing with an increase of abusive requests, which has resulted in processing delays of up to two weeks for sponsorship licence holders.

The new procedure will result in requests of Defined Certificates of concern being split. Also, additional staff are being brought in by the Home Office to deal with abusive requests and to work on outstanding applications to reduce the waiting period.

Please also note, the Home Office are introducing changes to the visa application centre (VAC) in Pakistan to deal with a lack of appointments for individuals caused by unauthorised agents making fraudulent visa applications and enabling them to book biometric appointments and then subsequently cancelling these and selling the appointment slots – the online booking system will not be in operation and steps have been taken to ensure only authorised individuals can deal with VAC’s on behalf of applicants.

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