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British Embassy in Tehran to Re-open

In what will be a welcome move for Iranian visa applicants, the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has today announced that the British Embassy in Tehran is to reopen.

It is not yet known when a full UK visa service will resume, Mr Hague said the UK Embassy in Tehran will re-open “as soon as practical arrangements are made”, but this should mean that, in the near future, Iranian nationals will no longer be expected to lodge their UK visa applications in Abu Dhabi or Turkey.

The move comes as a result of “increasing confidence” in the state of relations between the two countries. The British Embassy in Tehran had been closed since it was attacked by crowds angry at UK sanctions on Iran in 2011.

As specialist UK immigration solicitors, we can assist with applications for visas to enter the UK in any of the categories listed in our services section. If you would like our assistance, please contact us on +44 (0)20 7038 3980, at or via our online contact form.

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